Member Picks - May & June
Outdoor Portraits
As I write this it is National Walk Day. Warmer temperatures will arrive and we all want to be outside more. Beautiful colors abound around us. This is one of my favorite photographers. Andrew Boey gives 10 tips for outdoor portraits.
Top 10 Tricks for Outdoor Portraits
Worth Every Penny
Back in February I attended an 3day online event hosted by Sarah Petty. Award winning, PPA honored, top portrait business photographer out of Chicago. I wasn’t sure what to expect of the event and figured it would be a lot of educational information, but it was so much more than that. It was a community building, learning, and motivational event for photographers who just want to succeed in portrait business. She has a book called WORTH EVERY PENNY, and a podcast of the same name. I recommend both the book and podcast.
Digital Photography School
Digital Photography School is a free newsletter that has a lot of great photography tips. They also offer classes as well — check them out!
Link to Digital Photography School